
The proposal for single-photon generation utilizing quantum interference of two coupled cavity modes with weak Kerr nonlinearity under resonant coherent driving has been successfully put forward in previous work [T. C. H. Liew and V. Savona, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 183601 (2010)]. Here we suggest an alternative scheme to explore the statistical properties of the photons and their control in a parametrically amplified photonic molecule that is composed of a pair of coupled cavities, both containing the degenerate optical parametric amplifier (DOPA), by means of extending the model of Liew and Savona. Due to the destructive quantum interference effect between different paths for two-photon excitation, the photons in both cavity modes can exhibit a strong antibunching effect when one of the two cavities is coherently driven by an external laser field. In order to intuitively understand the strong photon antibunching phenomenon occurring in our DOPA photonic molecule, the approximate analytical solutions of the system are provided via the Schr\odinger equation and further are compared with the full numerical solutions via the master equation. The in-depth results reveal that the two solutions are in good agreement. For the two cavity modes, we achieve the optimal antibunching conditions in terms of the nonlinear gain and the strength ratio between the two pump laser fields based on analytical calculations, gaining deep insight into the rich physics of photon statistics. We also show that the statistical properties of the photons can be well controlled by regulating the relative phase between the two pump laser fields and the tunneling rate between the two cavity modes. Furthermore, we address the second-order cross-correlation function between the two cavity modes and find that a strong intermodal antibunching can be efficiently generated. Our approach via the DOPA photonic molecule architecture can be useful to generate tunable single-photon sources or controlled photonic quantum gates.

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