
Divergent conclusions exist as to whether inactive renin is present in nephrectomized rat plasma. A major factor contributing to this conflict may be related to significant changes in the "plasma blank" when trypsin-treated plasma is subjected to angiotensin I (AI) radioimmunoassay (RIA). In normal, but not nephrectomized rat plasma, AI-like substances are present in direct proportion to active renin. These substances are destroyed by trypsin. However, trypsin generates additional AI-like material, in both normal and nephrectomized rat plasma. This material, which is present in proportion to the renin substrate concentration, does not appear to be tetradecapeptide (TDP). In normal plasma, however, exogenous TDP is converted to AI in proportion to the active renin concentration and AI generation from TDP is increased by activation of inactive renin. However, in nephrectomized rat plasma, no AI generation from TDP was evident either before or after trypsin treatment. The coincident tryptic generation of a substance that quenches the levels of AI detected by RIA, combined with significant changes in the levels of endogenous and trypsin generated AI-like substances, may have significant bearing on the measured levels of inactive renin.

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