
Traditional studies of combinatorial auctions often only consider linear constraints. The rise of smart grid presents a new class of auctions, characterized by quadratic constraints. This article studies the complex-demand knapsack problem , in which the demands are complex valued and the capacity of supplies is described by the magnitude of total complex-valued demand. This naturally captures the power constraints in alternating current electric systems. In this article, we provide a more complete study and generalize the problem to the multi-minded version, beyond the previously known ½-approximation algorithm for only a subclass of the problem. More precisely, we give a truthful polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the case φ ϵ [0,π / 2 - δ] and a truthful fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS), which fully optimizes the objective function but violates the capacity constraint by at most (1 + ϵ), for the case φ ϵ (π / 2, π - δ], where φ is the maximum argument of any complex-valued demand and φ, δ > 0 are arbitrarily small constants. We complement these results by showing that, unless P=NP, neither a PTAS for the case φ ϵ (φ / 2, φ - δ] nor any bi-criteria approximation algorithm with polynomial guarantees for the case when φ is arbitrarily close to π (that is, when δ is arbitrarily close to 0) can exist.

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