
A number of recent works have studied algorithms for entrywise ep-low rank approximation, namely algorithms which given an n × d matrix A (with n ≥ d), output a rank-k matrix B minimizing ||A − B||pp = ∑i, j |Ai,j − Bi,j|p when p > 0; and ||A − B||0 = ∑i,j [Ai,j ≠ Bi,j] for p = 0, where [·] is the Iverson bracket, that is, ||A − B||0 denotes the number of entries (i, j) for which Ai,j ≠ Bi,j. For p = 1, this is often considered more robust than the SVD, while for p = 0 this corresponds to minimizing the number of disagreements, or robust PCA. This problem is known to be NP-hard for p ∈ {0, 1}, already for k = 1, and while there are polynomial time approximation algorithms, their approximation factor is at best poly(k). It was left open if there was a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for ep-approximation for any p ≥ 0. We show the following:1. On the algorithmic side, for p ∈ (0, 2), we give the first npoly(k/e) time (1 + e)-approximation algorithm. For p = 0, there are various problem formulations, a common one being the binary setting in which A ∈ {0, 1}n × d and B = U · V, where U ∈ {0, 1}n × k and V ∈ {0, 1}k × d. There are also various notions of multiplication U · V, such as a matrix product over the reals, over a finite field, or over a Boolean semiring. We give the first almost-linear time approximation scheme for what we call the Generalized Binary e0-Rank-k problem, for which these variants are special cases. Our algorithm computes (1 + e)-approximation in time (1/e)2O (k) / e2 · nd1+o(1), where o(1) hides a factor (log log d)1.1/log d. In addition, for the case of finite fields of constant size, we obtain an alternate PTAS running in time n · dpoly(k/e).2. On the hardness front, for p ∈ (1, 2), we show under the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis and Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH), there is no constant factor approximation algorithm running in time 2kδ for a constant δ > 0, showing an exponential dependence on k is necessary. For p = 0, we observe that there is no approximation algorithm for the Generalized Binary e0-Rank-k problem running in time 22δk for a constant δ > 0. We also show for finite fields of constant size, under the ETH, that any fixed constant factor approximation algorithm requires 2kδ time for a constant δ > 0.

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