
At present a wave of obscurantism is spreading over Western countries affecting both science and art in a deadly way. It becomes mandatory to stave off this movement by defining precisely the way science and art are created and to clarify the basic principles on which they are established. The scientific community has already reacted to this situation but the problem continues to be treated marginally. The reason may lie in the fact that modern technology has been most successful in transforming our daily lives and in allowing us to conquer outer space. These impressive achievements have, to a large extent, made us dumb, making it difficult to perceive the danger that lies ahead. Hence, there is a pressing need to bring forward the original sources in which, leading scientists and renowned artists, explained the principles that they followed in their discovery of novel phenomena and in the creation of unique works of art. It turns out that both types of minds speak the same language. There is a basic denominator that unites the human endeavour.

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