
Part I: Foundation. Kihlstrom, Exhumed Memory. Payne, Blackwell, Truth in Memory: Caveat Emptor. Hirt, McDonald, Markman, Expectancy Effects in Reconstructive Memory. Nash, Psychotherapy and Reports of Early Sexual Trauma: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Memory Errors. Part II: Early Autobiographical Memories. Malinoski, Lynn, Sivec, The Assessment, Reliability, and Determinants of Early Memory Reports. DuBreuil, Garry, Loftus, Tales from the Crib: Age Regression and the Creation of Unlikely Memories. Part III: Suggestion and Suggestibility in Children. Eisen, Goodman, Qin, Davis, Memory and Suggestibility in Maltreated Children: New Research Relevant to Evaluating Allegations of Abuse. Saywitz, Geiselman, Interviewing the Child Witness: Maximizing Completeness and Minimizing Error. Part IV: Memory and Psychotherapy: Research Findings and Clinical Considerations. McConkey, Barnier, Sheehan, Hypnosis and Pseudomemory: Understanding the Findings and Their Implications. Qin, Goodman, Bottoms, Shaver, Repressed Memories of Ritualistic and Religion-Related Child Abuse. Newman, Baumeister, Abducted by Aliens: Spurious Memories of Interplanetary Masochism. Kluft, Reflections on the Traumatic Memories of Dissociative Identity Disorder Patients. Laurence, Day, Gaston, From Memories of Abuse to the Abuse of Memories. Part V: False Memories in the Domains of the Law, Textbooks, and the Media. Heaton, Wilson, Memory, Media, and the Creation of Confusion. Arrigo, Pezdek, Textbook Models of Multiple Personality: Source, Bias, and Social Consequences. Underwager, Wakefield, Recovered Memories in the Courtroom. Part VI: A Way Forward. Bonnano, Keuler, Psychotherapy without Repressed Memory: A Parsimonious Alternative Based on Contemporary Memory Research. Gruneberg, Hermann, Practical Truths in Memory.

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