
Trusted informer for local products such as fresh cow milk is needed to support local livestock agribusiness. Consumer trust to the informer is critical to increasing consumer knowledge and consumption. Information obtained from a trusted source has more influence the consumption. No previous research has been found that revealed the trusted informer by each consumer segment with different characterism. Consumers with different characterisms use different information sources, too. Therefore, it is crucial to reveal the trusted informer characterism to increase milk consumption. This study aims to explore the trusted informer characterism base on consumer segmentation. Data was collected by filling out the questionnaires. Consumer segmentation used K-Means Cluster analysis and descriptive analysis to analyze trusted informer characterism by each consumer segment. The result of the study found that there are three consumer segments, namely real active segment, passive segment, and hidden active segment. Trusted informer characterism by the real active segment involves formal and non-formal institutions and has good personalities and relationships with consumers. Trusted informer characterism by the passive segment has good communication skills, good knowledge and experience about fresh cow milk, and expertise in the health and education sectors. Meanwhile, the trusted informer characterism by the hidden active segment has good communication skills, has good knowledge and experience about fresh cow milk, and pleasing personalities and relationships with consumers.

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