In 2013, 64% of American households owned a handheld computer device (e-reader, tablet, smartphones, etc.). The presence of these devices has grown more quickly than our understanding of their effects on musculoskeletal disorders. Their use on a tabletop or a person’s lap causes increased head and neck flexion, as well as an inreased gravitational moment produced by the weight of the head (Straker et al., 2009, Young et al., 2012, Vasavada et al., 2015). A limitation to these studies is that they keep a standard trunk position throughout all tasks; however, people can also assume a semi-reclined position when reading a tablet. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of a semi-reclined trunk position on neck and head flexion angle, and cervical erector spinae muscle activity. Nineteen participants (10 male, 9 female) read off of a tablet in four postures: with the tablet in their lap, on a tabletop, off of a standard computer monitor, and semi-reclined to an angle of 30 degrees from the vertical. Having the tablet on the lap ( M=16%MVC, SD=8%MVC) significantly increased muscle activity of the cervical erector spinae ( p=.0023) compared to reading off of a monitor or in the semi-reclined position (approximately 10%MVC). Neck and head flexion angles significantly increased ( p<.001) when reading the tablet off the lap (neck M=56.8o, SD=17.3o; head M=53.4o, SD=12.9o) versus the computer (neck M=6.4o, SD=6.4o; head M=8.2o, SD=7.4o), however, the head angle during semi-reclined reading stayed more vertical despite having the highest increase in neck flexion angle (neck M=71.6o, SD=14.0o; head M=19.7o, SD=9.2o). In the semi-reclined position, the gravitational moment of the head is second smallest for the four reading positions. In theory, this is desired as the moment that must be produced by the musculature and surround tissues would be less. The downside to this posture is that many of the neck extensor muscles may still not be in optimal force and moment production position. Many of the neck muscles that assist with extension originate from C5 to T5 and insert on C5 and above (Vasavada et al., 1998). At 30 degrees of neck flexion, the moment generating capability of the spenius and semispinalis muscles are decreased compared to when at a neutral position and fascicle length of splenius cervicis, capitis, and semispinalis capitis muscles experience changes of more than 70% of optimal length (Vasavada et al., 1998). While many of the extensor muscles only show moment arms that vary by 1 cm or less, for some there can be about a 2-3 cm changes as one goes from a flexed to extended neck posture (Vasavada et al., 1998). These combined changes mean that the force producing capabilities of the neck extensor muscles may be compromised a semi-reclined position. Future studies should report torso angle to properly analyze biomechanical risk factors during handheld computer use and compare results between studies.
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