
When considering the tensions in the South China Sea (SCS), many spectators assume the history of this issue to be recent, often post-Cold War. This mistake undermines the long-standing relevance and importance of this geographical space, which has been contested for as long as the war of trade and resources has ever been waged. This study delves into the multifaceted dynamics surrounding this very dispute, aiming to dissect the underlying causes and motivations behind China's pushy behavior in the region. Beyond the bilateral tensions between China and the United States, this geopolitical quagmire involves a web of historical, economic, and strategic factors contributing to regional instability. Heavy militarisation and the global laws of the waters have come to clash as this region becomes a pool of regional tensions. It also underscores the rise of military presence in this region over the years, the wide-ranging interests, and the strategies players use to defend their claims. The study outlines a much-needed requirement for an international response, arguing that addressing the issue extends beyond the direct stakeholders and demands a collaborative effort from the global community. It calls for an understanding that these waters go beyond military tensions, with their trade and economic implications. Ultimately, it advocates for diplomatic dialogue, adherence to international law, and a more internationalist approach to mitigate the naval tensions and ensure the peaceful coexistence of nations in this critical maritime region which today faces the threat of an all-out war.

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