
Tropical Deforestation and Climatic Change: The Conceptual Background. Guest Editorial N. Myers. Tropical Forests: Present Status and Future Outlook N. Myers. A Commentary on: Tropical Forests: Present Status and Future Outlook G.T. Prance. Palaeoecological Background: Neotropics T. van der Hammen. A Commentary on: Palaeoecological Background: Neotropics P. Colinvaux. A Synopsis of Climatic and Vegetational Change in Southeast Asia L.R. Heaney. A Commentary on: A Synopsis of Climatic and Vegetational Change in Southeast Asia P.H. Raven. History of Climate and Forests in Tropical Africa during the Last 8 Million Years A.C. Hamilton, D. Taylor. The African Rain Forest Vegetation and Palaeoenvironments during Late Quaternary J. Maley. Tropical Deforestation and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide R.A. Houghton. A Commentary on: Tropical Deforestation and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide L.D. Danny Harvey. Tropical Deforestation: Albedo and the Surface-Energy Balance J.H.C. Gash, W.J. Shuttleworth. A Commentary on: Tropical Deforestation: Albedo and the Surface-Energy Balance A.Henderson-Sellers. Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Global and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry M. Keller, D.J. Jacob, S.C. Wofsy, R.C. Harriss. A Commentary on: Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Global and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry P.M. Vitousek, P.A. Matson. Probable Impact of Deforestation on Hydrological Processes V.M. Meher-Homji. A Commentary on: Probable Impact of Deforestation on Hydrological Processes R.E. Dickinson. Possible Climatic Impacts of Tropical Deforestation E. Salati, C.A. Nobre. A Commentary on: Possible Climatic Impacts of Tropical Deforestation P.R. Rowntree, J. Lean. Deforestation, Climate Change and Sustainable Nutrition Security: A Case Study of India S.K. Sinha, M.S. Swaminathan. A Commentary on: Deforestation, Climate Change and Sustainable Nutrition Security: A Case Study of India N.J. Rosenberg. Tropical Forests and the Greenhouse Effect: A Management Response N. Myers, T.J. Goreau. A Commentary on: Tropical Forests and the Greenhouse Effect: A Management Response G. Marland. Buying Environmental Insurance: Prospects for Trading of Global Climate-Protection Services J.N. Swisher, G.M. Masters. A Commentary on: Buying Environmental Insurance: Prospects for Trading of Global Climate-Protection Services M. Grubb. Forests in a Warming World: A Time for New Policies G.M. Woodwell. A Commentary on: Forests in a Warming World: A Time for New Policies J. Gradwohl, R. Greenberg. The Politics of Prevention C. Schneider. A Commentary on: The Politics of Prevention J. MacNeill.

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