
Abstract Variations in tropical Atlantic SST are an important factor in seasonal forecasts in the region and beyond. An analysis is given of the capabilities of the latest generation of coupled GCM seasonal forecast systems to predict tropical Atlantic SST anomalies. Skill above that of persistence is demonstrated in both the northern tropical and equatorial Atlantic, but not farther south. The inability of the coupled models to correctly represent the mean seasonal cycle is a major problem in attempts to forecast equatorial SST anomalies in the boreal summer. Even when forced with observed SST, atmosphere models have significant failings in this area. The quality of ocean initial conditions for coupled model forecasts is also a cause for concern, and the adequacy of the near-equatorial ocean observing system is in doubt. A multimodel approach improves forecast skill only modestly, and large errors remain in the southern tropical Atlantic. There is still much scope for improving forecasts of tropical Atlantic SST.

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