Turkish Abstract: Turkiye’de meteorolojik gozlemler Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri Genel Mudurlugu (DMI) ve Devlet Su Isleri Genel Mudurlugu (DSI) tarafindan gerceklestirilmektedir. Ancak farkli amaclarla olcum yapan bu iki kurumun yayinlarinda, yillik ortalama yagis tutarlarinda farkliliklar gorulmektedir. Turkiye’nin yillik ortalama yagis tutarini DMI 626.6 mm (1971–2000 ortalamasi), DSI ise 643 mm olarak hesaplamaktadir. DSI bu ortalama yagis tutarini temel alarak Turkiye’ye dusen toplam yagis miktarini ve buna gore de su potansiyelini hesaplamaktadir. Bu calismada DMI tarafindan isletilen 252 istasyonun uzun yillik ortalama yagis tutarlari hesaplanmis ve Turkiye’nin topografyasi dikkate alinarak Cografi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardimi ile yeni bir yagis dagilis haritasi yapilmistir. Gerek tum ulkenin gerekse 26 yagis havzasinin yillik ortalama yagis tutarlari hesap edilerek su potansiyelleri yeniden belirlenmistir. Bu yeni hesaba gore Turkiye’nin yillik ortalama yagis tutari 727 mm, toplam yagisi 567 milyar m3 olarak bulunmustur. Bu degerler DSI’nin yillik ortalama yagis tutarindan 84 mm, yillik toplam yagis tutarindan 66 milyar m3 daha fazladir. Buna gore Turkiye’nin yillik kullanilabilir su potansiyel 112 milyar m3’ten 127 milyar m3’e cikmaktadir. English Abstract: In Turkey, meteorological observations are performed by State Meteorological Service (SMS), General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (SHW). These two state organizations perform the measurements for different purposes. The annual average precipitation amount calculated and published by these organizations are different. Turkey’s annual average precipitation for period of the 1971-2000 was calculated as 624.6 mm by SMS and 643 mm by SHW. Based on this annual average precipitation, SHW calculates the water potential of Turkey. In this study, using the data recorded by SMS at 252 stations, the annual average precipitation amounts have been calculated by utilizing the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) considering the topography of Turkey, and a new precipitation distribution map was formed the water potential of Turkey was determined calculating the annual average precipitation of whole country and 26 different ,precipitation basins. Based on these new calculation, the annual average precipitation amount of Turkey was found as 727 mm, and the total annual precipitation amount was found as 567 billion cubic meter. These values are different from the values calculated by SHW. The annual average precipitation of 84 mm and the total annual precipitation of 66 billion cubic meter calculated in this study are higher than that are calculated by SHW. According to this new calculation, the annual useable water potential of Turkey is 127 billion cubic meter. SHW calculates the annual useable water potential as 112 million cubic meters.
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