
West Black Sea Region (WBSR) has meadow- range area of 782.000 ha and consists of 5.35% total meadow-range area in Turkey which corresponds 14.6 million ha. However, total cultivation of forage crops is 1.6 million ha in Turkey and corresponds to 9.5% of total cultivated agricultural area, 12.1% of total cultivated area of forage crops in Turkey exist in WBSR. At the same time, there is 11 million of animal existence equivalent to livestock unit in Turkey and 1.1 million (9.8%) in WBSR. In order to feed these animal existences, while 50 million ton of fodder crops are required yearly, 5 million ton is adequate for WBSR. Whereas, present forage production derived from forage crop cultivation and meadow-range areas could not meet even half of the need. Therefore, productivity and sustainability must be increased via the proper management techniques and the breeding studies in existing meadow area. Besides, cultivation area of forage crops should be increased and crop rotation must be generalized and priority should be given to forage crops within the crop rotation system particularly in fallow areas. In throughout the country and WBSR, adaptation and breeding studies related to forage crops should be conducted to determine the suitable species and cultivars for every region and the results should be shared with farmers. Present economic support for cultivation of forage crops should be continued and increased 1. Giris Bugun icin dunya genelinde yasanan en buyuk sorunlardan birisi, dogal olan sinirli kaynaklarin kirlilige maruz kalmadan en uygun sekilde degerlendirilmesi ve artan dunya nufusuna paralel olarak ortaya cikan yeterli ve dengeli beslenme kosullarinin olusturulamamasidir. Ulkemizde hayvan beslenmesi buyuk olcude dogal cayir-

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