
United Nations Organization; countries are classified as developed, developing and underdeveloped. The criterion based on this classification is the per capita income level in the countries. Many economists suggest that social, political and cultural characteristics should be considered together with income criteria for the development classification. This is due to the fact that per capita income, social, political and cultural characteristics are determinant factors in economic growth, development and development process. In line with all these reasons, some development theories have been developed by some economists according to the level of development of the countries. One of these theories, “Unbalanced Development Theory, argues that development can be achieved as a result of shifting investments to a leading sector in developing countries. Based on this study, the development of the tourism sector has been shaped on the causes being the leading sector. The tourism statistics of the T. C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism between 2003 and 2018 were examined and the direct and indirect effects of tourism sector on growth, development and development were examined. The findings obtained by examining the secondary data; The amount of input used to produce 100 units, the relationship with the other sector activated as a result of input purchases and created in the economy excitation / stimulation effect, such as specifications, it has revealed the impression that the tourism sector can be a leading sector in Turkey's development.

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