
Nerve Growth Factor Gene (NGF) has important functions in the maintenance of viability and proliferation of ovarian cells. Recent studies on caprine NGF gene revealed two SNPs (determined by SacII/C291A and MboII/A705G polymorphisms) related with body length and litter size in goats. This study aimed to determine SacII and MboII polymorphisms of NGF in native Turkish goat populations including Turkish Hair (HAI), Kabakulak (KBK), Honamlı (HNM) and Norduz (NRD) by using PCR-RFLP. Amplificated PCR fragments of 808 were digested with SacII, while amplificated PCR fragments of 319 bp were digested with MboII restriction enzyme in order to detect different genotypes of NGF gene. The “A” allele frequency ranged from 0.500 (HAI, HNM and KBK) to 0.950 (NRD), while the “C” allele frequency ranged from 0.025 (NRD) to 0.500 (HAI, HNM and KBK) in NGF/SacII polymorphism. The “A” allele frequency ranged from 0.213 (HAI) to 1.000 (NRD), while the “G” allele frequency ranged from 0.000 (NRD) to 0.787 (HAI) in NGF/MboII polymorphism. Deviation from HW equilibrium was significant in HNM goat population (P < 0.05). In this study, polymorphisms of caprine NGF gene in native Turkish goat populations were revealed for the first time. The results obtained from this study showed that NGF/SacII polymorphisms could be used for body length in NRD population while NGF/MboII polymorphisms could be used for litter size in HAI, HNM and KBK populations in MAS studies.

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