
When English language teacher training in Turkey is examined, it is seen that there is some accumulation of knowledge in this field. In order to grasp better today’s understanding and practices of English language teacher training, the need to examine it historically arises because when teacher training programs are designed, it is expected to learn a lesson from the past and to benefit from historical accumulation of knowledge in this field in making decisions about the future. The purpose of this study is to evaluate English language teacher training in the Republic Period in Turkey from the viewpoint of historical development. To this end, review of literature was conducted in the internet and in the library. Articles, books and dissertations which were found to be suitable for the purpose of the study were examined with descriptive analysis method. As a result of the study, it is seen that no systematic studies were conducted on English language teacher training although there was significant accumulation of knowledge in this field in the Republic Period. In order to meet the need for English language teachers, different resources were used in 1923-1950s. Teaching assistants are one of the practices of meeting the need for teachers in this period. Between the years 1950 and 1980s, in order to meet the increasing need for English language teachers, there were efforts to admit more students to English language teaching departments and to open new schools if there were few, but the need for English language teachers was not fully met with such practices. In the late 1980, the institutions training teachers were incorporated into universities and there was an effort to keep teacher training away from political influences. However, in this period no importance was given to the quality of teacher training.

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