
Triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) has developed into a multi-purpose grain-forage species as a substitute for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and can be used as a winter pasture followed by grain harvest. The reduced-awn trait has enhanced the suitability for hay and silage systems with the availability of spring, and winter types adding to the system flexibility. Generally, triticale is competitive with wheat for biomass yield, but under some circumstances may not yield as much as winter rye (Secale cereale L.). Earlier rather than later planting usually results in greater biomass yields, and earlier planting of winter cereals than for grain results in greater vegetative biomass yields in fall and spring. Triticale utilizes soil nutrients beyond that required to sustain growth making it ideal for reducing soil nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from manured sites. Forage quality of spring triticale is slightly less than barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), but superior to oat (Avena sativa L.) at the dough stage for hay and silage. Improvement in digestibility may come from increasing grain content and or reducing the quantity of lignified stem through use of semidwarf genetic material, that may result in loss of biomass. Performance of triticale in feeding trials has been mixed, likely depending on cultivars available for specific tests. When fed as part of a total mixed ration, triticale has performed well in beef (Bos taurus) feedlot and dairy studies. However, when fed to finishing beef cattle as the sole forage has not performed as well as maize. Winter triticale appears to have promise as a crop for grazing in the vegetative state alone or in mixtures with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and wheat for stocker programs in the south east USA. Spring triticale has excelled as a swathed-grazing crop for overwintering gestating beef cows in Canada. More research is required on the agronomy and feeding of triticale forage under a variety of ruminant livestock scenarios.

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