
Triticale is a man-made crop resulting from a cross between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale). The name is derived from a combination of two scientific names. In the past wheat-rye hybrids probably have occurred many times where wheat and rye were growing together. Natural hybrids, which generally are sterile, still occur. Wilson (1875) in England probably reported the first successful man-made cross between wheat and rye, but the hybrid was sterile. Rimpau (1891) in Germarly obtained a fertile type Triticale. Btlt it wasn't till the technique of determining plant chromosome number was perfected that the fertile types were recognized as amphiploids, i.e. Triticale contained the somatic number of chromosomes of the wheat and rye parents. The Triticale strains with 56 chromosomes (42 from wheat and 14 from rye) are referred to as octoploid (8 X ) Triticale. Wheat-rye material tracing back to that of Meister (1921 ) who began working with Triticales in Russia, is still being grown experimentally in Kansas.

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