
We have applied absorbance-detected electron spin resonance in zero magnetic field to several pigment-protein complexes that belong to the membrane-bound photosystem of the green sulfur bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii. It was found that three triplet states can be discerned, that are formed in the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll a protein, the core complex and in the primary donor P-840, respectively. Triplet-minus-singlet absorbance difference spectra of the latter two states are presented. The spectrum of the core complex shows a bleaching at 837 nm and an absorbance increase at 808 nm. This suggests a strong electronic interaction between at least two of the constituent BChl a molecules of the complex. The triplet-minus-singlet spectrum of P-840 shows two negative bands at 826 and 837 nm, that, according to their linear dichroism, have almost parallel polarization. It is shown that no spectral evidence exists for the presence of two resolved dimer exciton bands of P-840. We conclude that P-840 either consists of two weakly coupled BChl a molecules or of a strongly coupled pair with one allowed exciton band at 837 nm, the other blue-shifted exciton component being very weak. Decay rates of P T-840 of 6790 (±500) s −1, 3920 (±300) s −1 and 1275 (±100) s −1 were observed for the x, y and z triplet sublevels, respectively.

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