
This paper presents a distinguished method of integ rating Direct and Indirect Methods of estimating O- D Matrix. Direct method includes household and demographic data, whereas in direct method includes traffic counts. CUBE is high ly efficient transport modeling software whereas ArcGIS is a geospatial to ol which gives the geographic information of the la nd. The various factors influencing the trip generation, considered in this paper are household data like employment, populati on, income and average household occupancy and residential density. The se condary data are collected from the municipal offic es and other local government bodies of Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu. T he traditional four-step modeling is done in CUBE, using these factors, to obtain a priori O-D matrix. Further, traffic counts in the c oncerned network are determined using traffic surve ys in major arterial roads in Tiruchirappalli city. For updating the existing Ori gin- Destination matrix using link volumes the grad ient descent approach has been used . In this paper a unique attempt has been made to script a bi-level program in the CUBE software. The traffic counts are used to remodel in Cube using to get an updated matrix.

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