
Background : Relating and applying trigonometric contents to solve problem situations involving trigonometric integration is not easy for university students. Objective : To recognise trigonometry as a mathematical tool with multiple applications in their professional context. Design : Exploratory, descriptive, analytical-interpretative. Setting and participants: University engineering students. Data collection and analysis : Two stages were programmed: preparation and formalisation. The classes were videotaped and transcribed into units of analysis in order to triangulate the information collected. Results : The importance of trigonometry as a mathematical tool that allows modelling different problem situations was highlighted. Conclusions : The development of mathematical competencies in young people was evidenced, manifested in the progress of advanced mathematical thinking skills, such as: abstracting, generalising, synthesising, defining, and demonstrating; manifested when facing different proposed situations where students understood that when using trigonometric integration, different trigonometric elements are also used, allowing for obtaining simpler expressions and facilitate integration.

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