
Trigemino-diencephalic connections were studied in the rat using wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase as an anterogradely transported axonal tracer. Injection of the tracer into the subnucleus principalis produced two foci of dense labelling: one ventromedial; and one dorsal within the medial part of the ventrobasal complex. Other diencephalic structures containing granules of reaction product were the medial part of the medial geniculate body, the ventral area of the zona incerta and the nucleus lateralis posterior, pars lateralis. Injection of the tracer into the subnucleus interpolaris labelled the same structures, but less densely. After an injection into the subnucleus caudalis, labelling was observed in the same thalamic areas, although projections to the zona incerta or the lateralis posterior were not consistent. Additional labelling was observed in the subfascicular area of the mesodiencephalic junction, the nucleus submedius and the intralaminar nuclei centralis medialis and lateralis. In those cases of injection into the subnuclei principalis and interpolaris, all observed thalamic sites of projection were contralateral to the injection site. Following injection into the subnucleus caudalis, projections toward lateral thalamic structures were contralateral, but the nucleus submedius and the intralaminar nuclei exhibited bilateral labelling. Using high magnification (1250 ×) with bright-field illumination, an analysis of the morphology of some terminal arborizations was attempted. Despite some technical limitations, the analysis indicated that in the ventrobasal complex, some terminal ramifications of axons originating from the three trigeminal subnuclei under study arborize so as to encompass a rounded area, the diameter of which could be as large as 100 μm, thereby resembling the classically described “bushy arbors”. Such arborizations could not be distinguished in the axons projecting to the medial part of the medial geniculate body. In this latter nucleus, the terminals appeared to arise from a stem fiber as short side branches at approximately right angles to the parent stem axon. In the other areas where afferent terminal labelling was observed, the density of the network of the labelled fibers often complicated the analysis of morphological features. However, arborizations such as those observed in the ventrobasal complex or the medial geniculate nucleus could not be distinguished. These results indicate that some thalamic nuclei (such as the ventrobasal complex and medial part of the medial geniculate nucleus) receive input from all three trigeminal subnuclei and that the input within each of these regions from the three sources may be conveyed by similar intranuclear but dissimilar internuclear terminal arborizations. Such results suggest that some type of functional sorting occurs as efferents from the same subnucleus diverge and converge with efferents from another subnucleus projecting to different parts of the thalamus.

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