
To ensure the development of agricultural production in modern conditions, it is necessary to pay more attention to nontraditional spheres of activity and production. One of these forms is viticulture. In the article the present state of grape production development in agricultural enterprise sisconsidered. Focuse dattention to there levance of the issue under investigation and itssignifican cein the agricultural production system. The maintendenciesof development of are asundervineyards, productivity and grosscollection of grapesin agricultural enterprises are determined. It is noted that agricultural enterprises devote much less attention to the development of grape production and horticultureprivate households and users of other categories.It has been established that the area of vineyards are decreasing (even without taking into account producers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea), the yield is low. Reducing of land area under vineyards in agricultural enterprises and reducing their productivity has led to a reduction in the volume of grape production.One of the reasons of this situation is that viticulture is a highly capital intensive industry that requires significant investments. For the last years there was a rise in prices, a depreciation of the national currency and some other negative factors that negatively affected the ability of commodity producers to effectively provide the need for funds to carry out the production program. Consequently, enterprises reduced the use of productive resources, which negatively affected the yield of grapes.The main problems for solving this problem are the high capital intensity of the industry, significant amounts of initial investment for the production of grapes, obsolete production technologies, difficulties with the marketing of the resulting products.To ensure the effective development of grape production, it is necessary to pay more attention to the improvement of the organization of the system of sales of the ready products. There are two important problems in grape production sphere – low buying ability of most consumers and competitiveness of grape production. On the basis of the researches, the directions of effective development of grape production are offered. The solution of these issues requires attention from the governmental authorities: the development of appropriate support and development programs, the full or partial compensation of the cost of laying vineyards, the purchase of the necessary equipment for the care, harvesting and processing of grapes. The combination of efforts of state institutions and agricultural producers will ensure the sustainable development of viticulture in Ukraine.The research was carried out using a number of economic, mathematical and statistical methods. With the help of the dialectical method, the current state of development of grape production was explored and illuminated; the economic and statistical method is used to assess the dynamics of the industry's development; method of expert assessments and abstract-logical – in substantiating the main directions of ensuring the effective development of grape production in agricultural enterprises. Key words: development, production, grape, agricultural enterprises, competitiveness, viticulture, trends.

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