
In an age characterized by soaring global energy needs and diminishing conventional energy reservoirs, energy security emerges as a pivotal pillar for national progress and enduring sustainability. Within the dynamic landscape of India, a nation witnessing swift economic expansion and urban transformation, the imperative of comprehending and tackling the nuances of energy security cannot be overstated. The present paper attempts to explore India's energy security landscape, probing the complex dynamics of energy demand, supply, and resilience amidst the intricate tapestry of socio-economic and environmental factors. Our study centers on primary energy sources such as coal, lignite, crude oil, and natural gas, which are not only scarce globally but also within India. We have employed four methodologies to assess energy security, considering both production and import of energy, as well as energy dependence. Across all methodologies, the findings suggest that India's energy security is increasingly in question, given the escalating dependence on energy imports. To mitigate these concerns, it is imperative for the Government of India to invest in and promote renewable energy production for public consumption.

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