
The article studies semantychnies changes in modern Ukrainian nomination, found role of neosemantyzm in the development of modern Ukrainian lexicon. Polysemy is one of the important manifestations of the systematic organization of the lexical composition of the language. This is a semantic universal, which, depending on the genetic and typological structure of each language, has a specific implementation and illustrates the surrounding world in the interrelationship of all its elements. It plays an important cognitive role. Polysemy reflects the thinking of society. Some dictionary articles with a lot of polysemy are read for pleasure: there is so much interesting and instructive in them.
 On the example of adjectives, the main regularities and directions of the semantic development of multi-meaning words are outlined. It has been found that for indicative meanings, the scope of meaning is related to situational knowledge, for objective ones, the semantic scope of the word implies knowledge of the function, purpose of the subject.
 Polysemy is one of the important means of systematic organization of the lexical composition of the language. It reflects the consequences of human thinking, which captures in a multi-meaning word the similarity between various objects and phenomena of objective reality. Polysemy makes the word a more flexible tool for thinking. It is associated with the tendency to economize linguistic means, since polysemy makes it possible to express a greater number of concepts without increasing the number of language forms.

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