
The purpose of the study is improving the efficiency of the regional cluster com-interaction by providing vocational training in modern socio-economic conditions. Global informatization determines the relevance of the increased use of automated data processing, information retrieval systems, telecommunication access to information resources. This causes the growth of the needs for personnel performing hardware and software maintenance of computer technology and computer networks, which owns the methods and means of information rational processing in all areas of professional activity. Modern society is built on the crumbling skeleton of the old forms of social and cultural interactions that were structured through the relevant social institutions, built mostly vertically. In connection with the increasing needs in the professional orientation of the state policy of modernization of Russian education aimed at advancing the development of professional education. Such is the nature of the new emerging order of interaction in the modern socio-cultural environment is implemented through the use of a new method, based on the concept of «clustering», which in General reflects multiple aspects of modern network communication practice. «Clusters» are the «cell» structure of the network of communicative space. In modern professional pedagogy frequently used definitions of «educational cluster», emphasizing the identity of the phenomenon to the educational environment, and «regional cluster», with an emphasis on regional specifics. The most characteristic feature of clustering practice introduction in the education sector is the involvement of all stakeholders to improve training efficiency and competitiveness of professional training. An example of this practice can serve as a practice of active involvement within the clusters to develop and implement educational strategies educational institutions, professional associations, employers, chambers of Commerce, trade unions, other civil society institutions. The main goal of modern advanced education is becoming a culture of personality in combination with its non-linear synergistic style of thinking familiar with the methodology of crushing wave of the future development, which is formed based on a new synergetic paradigm in fundamental education.

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