
Aim. The presented study aims to analyze problems in the development of higher education in the context of strengthening the national sovereignty of the Russian Federation.Tasks. The authors consider the specifics of modern education; substantiate the need for the digital transformation of the educational process and the creation of a comprehensive digital electronic educational platform management system at universities; prove that the educational process should be student-centered, with the teachers constantly increasing their professional competence; analyze the current state of methodological support for the educational process; highlight the trend towards network interaction and universities’ participation in federal programs.Methods. This study uses general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis and synthesis, and the systems approach to identify major trends in the development of higher education.Results. One specific aspect of modern education is the changing relationship between the value of information and its accessibility. The activity of teachers at higher educaiton institutions requires constant self-improvement, i.e. improving professional competence and developing professionally significant qualities in accordance with modern requirements and a personal development program. An obvious trend in the development of universities engaged in vocational training is the expansion of their network interaction: universities join consortia of scientific and educational centers. Nowadays, a special role should be assigned to the university’s humanities courses, which have a unique set of functions that make it possible to efficiently respond to the challenges of the time.Conclusions. In fact, higher education institutions that train highly qualified professionals serve as drivers of technological breakthrough, strengthening the technological sovereignty and economic security of our country. They directly affect the future of the state and the stabilization of its national sovereignty. It is concluded that teachers should currently focus on helping students find the necessary information, analyze it, adequately evaluate it, form their own opinion and understanding. It is important to make complex changes in the content of teaching materials and in their usage context.

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