
The purpose of the article is to highlight the search for new trends in the development of fine arts during Ukraine's independence, which acquired individual self-expression and became a subcategory of media culture, offering the audience a complex and technically high-quality visual product focused on understanding the relationship Soviet times and aimed at world universal values. The methodological basis was the methods of critical analysis of art, historical, literary sources, and specific historical analysis in studying the development of new trends in fine arts during Ukraine's independence, which allowed to explore the creative components of artists, as Ukrainian art was and is an integral part of the world art process while leaving their own national creative individuality. The scientific novelty lies in the conceptualization of modern trends in the development of fine arts, the formation of artistic styles as a factor in reflecting historical and artistic processes in the system of interaction between Ukrainian art and society. Conclusions. The study found that each generation studies, reviews and proves its vision of the history of its people. The twentieth century has come to an end, and the development of new trends in fine arts during Ukraine's independence encourages scholars to the analytical rethinking of his achievements from the standpoint of the new Ukrainian artistic life and its entry into the world art space. The global integration processes of the modern world are an objective trend in the development of fine arts, which should be considered in the context of trends in world art, including European. Global transformation processes have affected all spheres of public life, becoming determinants of shaping the way and quality of life of contemporary Ukrainian artists, found their concretization in the process of forming a single artistic space, and returned the right of Ukrainian art to its place in the world art space. Fine art during the independence of Ukraine reflects the laws, realities of life, processes, and phenomena that take place in it, has acquired tendencies of individual self-expression of the artist, and supports the free development of all styles and genres at the state level. Key words: fine arts, Ukraine, trends, artist, creative personality of the artist.


  • Trends in the development of fine arts during the independence of Ukraine The purpose of the article is to highlight the search for new trends in the development of fine arts during Ukraine's independence, which acquired individual self-expression and became a subcategory of media culture, offering the audience a complex and technically high-quality visual product focused on understanding the relationship Soviet times and aimed at world universal values

  • The methodological basis was the methods of critical analysis of art, historical, literary sources, and specific historical analysis in studying the development of new trends in fine arts during Ukraine's independence, which allowed to explore the creative components of artists, as Ukrainian art was and is an integral part of the world art process while leaving their own national creative individuality

  • The scientific novelty lies in the conceptualization of modern trends in the development of fine arts, the formation of artistic styles as a factor in reflecting historical and artistic processes in the system of interaction between Ukrainian art and society

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Мета статті полягає у висвітленні питань пошуку нових тенденцій розвитку образотворчого мистецтва в часи незалежності України, які набули індивідуального самовираження митця і стали субкатегорією медіа культури, пропонуючи глядачеві складний та якісний у технічному відношенні візуальний продукт, орієнтований на осмислення відношення художнього твору та глядача, позбавлений ідеологізації радянських часів та направлений на світові загальнолюдські цінності. Методологічну основу склали методи критичного аналізу мистецтвознавчих, історичних, літературних джерел та конкретно-історичний аналіз у вивченні розвитку нових тенденцій образотворчого мистецтва в часи незалежності України, що дозволило дослідити творчі складові митців, оскільки українське образотворче мистецтво було і є невід’ємною частиною світового мистецького процесу залишаючи при цьому власну національну творчу індивідуальність. Образотворче мистецтво в часи незалежності України відображає закони, реалії життя, процеси й явища, які відбуваються в ньому, набуло тенденції власне індивідуального самовираження митця та має підтримку вільного розвитку всіх стилів та жанрів на державному рівні. The methodological basis was the methods of critical analysis of art, historical, literary sources, and specific historical analysis in studying the development of new trends in fine arts during Ukraine's independence, which allowed to explore the creative components of artists, as Ukrainian art was and is an integral part of the world art process while leaving their own national creative individuality.

Культура і сучасність
Основні тенденції розвитку образотворчого мистецтва в сучасній Україні
Сучасне образотворче мистецтво
Львівська національна академія мистецтв МОН
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