
The global challenges of clean water access and water security are of a growing concern, along with wastewater being a major source of water pollution. Innovative approaches to remediate contaminants are needed. However, sustainable development requires innovative approaches to remediate contaminants from their source. In the last decade, extensive research has been conducted worldwide to improve the conventional technologies for sustainable wastewater treatment. Recent strategies include adsorption, advanced oxidation, biodegradation, and membrane filtration. However, no technology can effectively remove contaminants, and hybrid systems are more promising. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of organic pollutants and their degradation using various physical, chemical, and biological strategies. Indeed, advanced wastewater treatment systems such as nanotechnology and artificial intelligence can be considered for planning and designing modern treatment plants. However, studies have indicated that no technology can effectively remove contaminants, and hybrid systems are more compelling than single treatment systems for enhancing the treatment process efficiency. The discussions are anticipated to lay the foundations for future improvements in wastewater treatment systems that could emerge as promising sustainable technologies to minimize toxicity and allow the safe reuse of water.

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