
Social entrepreneurship has been dynamically developing for more than 30 years in the current economic conditions in many countries of the world. Foreign experience of social entrepreneurship lies in the popularization of such concepts as «social responsibility of business», «social entrepreneurship», «charity». The article discusses the role of social entrepreneurship in the country's economy and trends and directions of development abroad. Emphasis is placed on the concept of modern research of social entrepreneurship and its necessity is determined. Foreign experience is used as examples, social opportunities are evaluated, ways of solving social problems are determined. Based on the study of foreign experience of social entrepreneurship, criteria for its use in Kazakhstan are proposed. In world practice, the dynamics of the spread of social entrepreneurship is considered in two directions: on the one hand, it determines the need for business in society, and on the other hand, determines the role of business in the social development of society. In the experience of socio-economic development of many countries, the term «social entrepreneurship» has not yet been fully studied and defined. Based on this, there are significant differences in the use, methods and principles of social entrepreneurship in a number of foreign countries. Analyzing the experience of development and trends in the development of social entrepreneurship abroad, we can identify a number of its country specifics

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