
Eating habits has a severe impact on health. The children and youth who consume fast foods and who do not prefer to take fruits and foods consisting of fresh vegetables are linked to health problems. Food is the basic necessity for a human being for survival. Throughout the world, the food is prepared as per the culture, availability, etc. In the past couple of years the socio economic and demographic status of the society has changed due to the globalization, earning capacity, education and employment opportunities, etc. Thus directly and indirectly the food habits have also been affected drastically. Usually food is prepared and is consumed by at home, is healthy, fresh and contains nutrient values, but due to fast life which gives importance to commodities, and modernization people have started consuming fast foods rather than home cooked foods. This phenomenon is more common in the urban class rather than their counterparts living in rural areas. Fast food industry is one of the world’s fastest growing sectors in food industry. However, over a period of time, with a growth in the number of nuclear families, economic growth and increasing per capita income as well as globalization, fast food culture is gaining prominence in India.

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