
Groundnut is India's most important oil seed crop, and Rajasthan is the country's second-largest producer (2019-20). The current research looks at groundnut output, area, and productivity in Rajasthan. Secondary data was gathered from INDIASTAT and the Rajasthan state department of agriculture, among other places. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences is used to collect and analyse data (SPSS). From 1990-91 to 2019-20, the average groundnut area, production, and productivity were 352.12 thousand hectors, 513.40 thousand MT, and 1351 kg/ha, respectively. The compound growth rates of groundnut area, production, and productivity were found to be positive and significant (R = 0.652**, 0.940**, and 0.603**, respectively) in an upward trend with CAGRs of 3.2, 6.4, and 2.8 per cent.

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