
There is an increase in the pressure to improve the quantity of food produced in relation to rapid increase in population growth. This study examined the trends in the output of five food crops grown in Nigeria between year 1990 and 2005, the growth rate of crop production, and recommends policies for sustainable increase in food production in Nigeria. Secondary data were obtained from Nigeria Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER), and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Regression analysis was used for data analysis. The result shows that the physical output of food crops in Nigeria portrayed a clear trend over the period reviewed. Out of all the crops studied cassava constituted 62.27% of the total output of the crops within the period under review, followed by maize (14.3%), and then millet (11.96%); rice was 6.54%. the lowest contribution of 4.92% came from beans. The neglect of the agricultural sector has negative effect on the production of food crops and therefore needs effective policies to boost it. These policies will in turn ensure the much expected positive growth rate. Key words: Trend analysis, food, crops, agriculture

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