
This paper analyzes trends in forest healing studies based on the published graduates’ theses and domestic journals in Korea from January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2021. The results of the study will provide data for forest healing researchers. According to the research results, research related to forest healing in Korea has been steadily increasing since the early 2000s, and from 2020, most works are being actively performed. The gender ratio of researchers was 5.4% higher in females than males in the case of degree dissertations and 25.0% higher in males than females in the case of journals. In terms of publication type, the highest number of journals was 184 articles (61.3%), followed by master's thesis with 82 articles (27.3%) and doctoral dissertation with 34 articles (11.3%). In terms of research methods, most of the papers (77.3%) are quantitative studies. When the study subjects were classified into the general group, occupational group, disease group, and social target, the general group for the purpose of prevention were the most with 78 articles (61.9%). The topics of the papers related to forest healing were in the order of analysis of the effects of forest healing programs, development of forest healing programs, and forest healing facilities. At a time when more attention is being paid to forests, which are places of healing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes basic data for forest healing researchers through objective data analysis of domestic forest healing. When analyzing domestic and foreign trends in the future, if you analyze paradigm changes and trends in various media, such as news as well as YouTube videos, using big data-related technologies that have been used in recent research papers, broader insights can be provided.

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