Monostephanostomum manteri gen. et sp. n. (Acanthocolpidae) is described from Arripis georgianus from Port Willunga and A. trutta from Adelaide, South Australia. It is similar to Stephanostomum Looss, 1899, but it differs in having a single complete row of circumoral spines. The trematodes described below were received from the Australian Helminthological Collection (see Kruse, 1979), University of Adelaide, South Australia, as fixed specimens stored in glycerin alcohol. The glycerin was removed by placing the digenes in several changes of 70% EtOH over a period of time. Whole mounts were stained in Mayer's hematoxylin, dehydrated in EtOH, cleared in xylene, and mounted in Canada balsam. Drawings were made with the aid of a camera lucida; measurements are in micrometers with averages in parentheses. Monostephanostomum gen. n. Generic diagnosis: Acanthocolpidae; Stephanostominae. With the characters of Stephanostomum except for oral sucker with single row of a few, large, uninterrupted circumoral spines. Parasitic in intestine of marine fishes. Type and only species: M. manteri. Monostephanostomum manteri sp. n. (Figs. 1-4) Hosts and localities: Arripis georgianus (Cuvier and Valenciennes); Arripidae; Tommy Rough (type host); Pt. Willunga, 1934; Gulf St. Vincent, 1962; A. trutta Whitley; Australian Salmon; Adelaide, 1937. Location: Intestine. Types: Holotype--South Australian Mus. No. V1911. Paratype-Australian Helminth. Coll. No. S306; USNM Helminth. Coll. No. 75503; Univ. Nebraska State Mus., Manter Lab. No. 20980. Description (basedon5mature specimens): Body 1,691 to 2,470 (1,951) long by 248 to 456 (308) wide at midbody; tapering toward each end. Oral sucker terminal, 96 to 125 (104) long; circumoral spines 16 or 18, in uninterrupted row, 61 to 64 (62) long. Acetabulum 128 to 176 (152) long; '/3 to almost /2 body length from anterior end; sucker length ratio 1:1.33 to 1.6 (1.46). Conspicuous circular muscles in short, unspined postoral region; body spines 46 to 53 (50) long anteriorly, then decreasing in size, while increasing in number before disappearing at about midbody. Pigment granules in forebody. Prepharynx 330 to 422 (371) long; pharynx 96 to 144 (113) long by 42 to 86 (59) wide; esophagus 16 to 35 (26) long; ceca joining excretory vesicle posteriorly to form uroproct. Genital pore median, immediately preacetabular. Testes elongate, tandem, subequal, in posterior half of hindbody; anterior testis 21 to 26 (24) long by 10 to 13 (12) wide, posterior testis 28 to 34 (32) long by 11 to 14 (13) wide; posttesticular space 107 to 355 (216). Cirrus sac sinuous with swollen base near anterior end of ovary; 348 to 536 (464) long by 48 to 80 (59) greatest width; containing saccate seminal vesicle, pars prostatica with scanty prostatic cells, and long cirrus with knoblike protuberances. Genital atrium short. Ovary smooth, wider than long, immediately pretesticular; 181 to 402 (272). Seminal receptacle absent. Uterus preovarian, turning backward from acetabulum to join metraterm near ovary. Metraterm sinuous, as long as cirrus sac; unspined. Vitelline follicles large, circumcecal, uninterrupted, confluent anterior to acetabulum and in posttesticular space. Eggs 80 to 94 (86) by 35 to 48 (42). Cloacal pore terminal; excretory vesicle extending to ovary. The name Monostephanostomum refers to the single row of oral spines.
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