Trefoil factors (TFFs) are peptides containing a cloverleaf-like structure, which are synthesized in diverse organs including various regions of the human brain (presumably involved in nervous system development and differentiation), thyroid gland, mammary gland, uterus, prostate gland, conjunctiva, respiratory tract, salivary glands, and gall bladder, which peaks in diverse gastrointestinal tract mucosa: TFF-1 in the stomach, TFF-2 in the stomach and duodenum, and TFF-3 in the gut. An increasing body of studies indicate not only about a widely distributed trefoil factors in vivo but also points at their important regulatory functions. In particular, TFFs affect cell adhesion by enhancing epithelial cell migration. Recovery of reversibly damaged epithelial structures called restitution is also facilitated due to TFF-related antiapoptotic effect (anoikis resistance). In contrast, TFF-mediated proangiogenic effects can promote tumor angiogenesis, whereas their immunomodulatory effects include an influence on expression of pro-inflammatory and defense factors (including nitric oxide, cytokines, and defensins). Moreover, TFFs interacting with mucin may increase mucus viscosity, thereby protecting the mucosal layers against ulcerogenic agents. However, bronchial asthma maybe aggravated by elevating mucus viscosity in the respiratory tract due to TFF-2. In addition, TFF expression level is associated with pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. It was shown that modality of changes in TFF level might differ depending on anatomical location and severity of lesions. Changing TFF level plays an important role in oncogenesis. For instance, gastric and colorectal cancer is accompanied by upregulated TFF-1 expression. Importantly, TFF amount is considered as a diagnostic predictor due to being associated with carcinogenesis stage, metastasis as well as sensitivity to chemotherapy in gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, a role potentially played by TFFs in other malignancies including retinoblastoma, breast cancer, and thyroid carcinoma has been extensively examined. Thus, an expanding range of experimental and clinical data evidence that trefoil factors maybe considered as a promising marker of gastrointestinal and oncology diseases.
Trefoil factors (TFFs)-2 находится в слизи, которая вырабатывается как клетками слизистой желудка, так и железами двенадцатиперстной кишки — клетками Бруннера
Interacting with β-catenins integrins, TFFs result in lowered cell adhesion simultaneously associated with suppressed apoptosis via phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase pathway and an upregulated mucin as well as trefoil factor expression периментальных работах
Действительно, было установлено, что hTFF2 наиболее мощно увеличивает вязкость слизи в комбинации с препаратами муцина, в то время как эффект hTFF3 был заметно меньше
Желудок Stomach Желудок, 12-перстная кишка Stomach, duodenum Тонкий и толстый кишечник Small and large intestine ется также через MAP-киназу (MAPK) независимо от активности эпителиального ростового фактора (EGF-R), тогда как антиапоптотические свойства TFF3 зависят именно от активации EGF-R [29]. Следует заметить и тот факт, что стимулируемая TFF3-пептидом ассоциация Е-кадгерина с α-катенином (который связывает Е-кадгерин с актином цитоскелета) приводит к инвазии рака толстого кишечника в через серозную оболочку в брюшную полость [15]. TFF3 усиливает экспрессию матрикс-металлопротеиназы-9, повышая инвазивность неопухолевых фибробластов [10]. Конститутивная активность гена TFF1 придает клеткам инвазивный фенотип, и гиперэкспрессия TFF1, например, в язва-ассоциированных клеточных линиях (UACL) или в ситуации опухолевой прогрессии может иметь патофизиологическое значение, способствуя миграции и аутокринной стимуляции инвазивных свойств эпителиальных клеток [15, 40]
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