Brain-activating and orifice-opening acupuncture treatment has a marked clinical effect on apoplexy. It is clinically appropriate for many conditions, such as apoplectic sequela, complications and dementia. The basic research has showed that the brain-activating and orifice-opening acupuncture promotes the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) in blood and brain tissues → raises NO conten_→ improves autonomic microvascular movement → ameliorates microcirculation; increases the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), lowers lipid peroxide (LPO) content and reduces a cerebral injury due to oxidation; decreases Ca2+ flow into cells and lightens Ca2+ overload; regulates abnormal metabolism of central neurotransmitters and lessens cerebrocellular necrosis or apoptosis. Needling point Shuigou (GV 26) can markedly reduce cerebral energy metabolism, protect cerebral cells and increase the mRNA expression of cholecystokinin in rat’s brain. Needling point Neiguan (PC 6) excites thalamic dorsomedial nucleus. Needling points Shuigou (GV 26) and Neiguan (PC 6) in old mice increases the number of active genes in cerebrocellular and hepatocellular nuclei, decreases nuclear membrane protein accumulated abnormally in hepatocellular and cerebrocellular nuclei, increases part of chromatinic nonhistone protein and improves the ability to regulate and control active gene transcription.
Published Version
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