
Two peptic fragments (residues 37-88 and 43-88) of guinea pig myelin basic protein which are capable of inducing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats were cleaved to shorter fragments with alpha-protease (Crotalus atrox proteinase, EC and thermolysin (EC The fragments were isolated, purified, and identified by amino acid composition and NH2- and COOH-terminal residues. The time courses of the reactions, monitored by thin layer electrophoresis of the digests, showed that alpha-protease cleaves peptide (43-88) initially at the Pro(71)-Gln(72) bond, and that the product peptides are subsequently attacked at the Arg(63) -Thr(64), Ser(74)-Gln(75), Arg(78)-Ser(79), and Ser(76)-Gln(80) bonds. No significant cleavages occurred at the -Leu, -Val, and -Ala bonds. These results are in striking contrast to those obtained previously by others workers with other peptide substrates, where selective cleavage at hydrophobic residues occurred. Thermolysin was found to attack peptide (37-88) at the Phe(42)-Phe(43) bond very rapidly; the product peptides were subsequently attacked at the His(60)-Ala(61), Ser(38)-Ile(39)-Tyr(67)-Gly(68), and Pro(84)-Val(85) bonds. These cleavages are compatible with the known specificity of this enzyme. Several of the fragments prepared with these two enzymes, peptides (43-71), (61-88), (75-88), and (72-84) have been used in other studies to locate the encephalitogenic site in the parent peptic peptide.

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