
This article, written by Assistant Technology Editor Karen Bybee, contains highlights of paper SPE 112872, "Trapped Annular Pressure Mitigation: A Spacer Fluid That Shrinks - Update," by B. Bloys, SPE, M. Gonzalez, SPE, J. Lofton, R. Carpenter, SPE, S. Azar, SPE, D. Williams, J. McKenzie, SPE, and J. Capo, SPE, Chevron; R. Hermes, Los Alamos National Laboratory; R. Bland, SPE, R. Foley, SPE, and F. Harvey, SPE, Baker Hughes; J. Daniel, F. Billings, and I. Robinson, Lucite International; and M. Allison, Flow Process Technologies, originally prepared for the 2008 SPE Drilling Conference, Orlando, Florida, 4-6 March. The paper has not been peer reviewed. In subsea-completed wells, fluids commonly are trapped in casing annuli above the top of cement and below the wellhead. When these trapped fluids are heated by the passage of warm produced fluids, thermal expansion can create very high pressures and cause the collapse of casing and tubing strings. A successful field trial has been conducted in a 9,800-ft-deep gas well of a water-based spacer fluid that upon heat-triggered polymerization shrinks 20%, mitigating trapped annular pressure (TAP). Introduction TAP, also called annular-pressure buildup, is caused by the thermal expansion of fluids trapped in casing annuli between the top of cement and the wellhead. The pressure buildup usually is a result of heat transfer from produced fluids or from hot drilling fluids circulated while drilling a high-pressure/high-temperature well The pressure can exceed the collapse strength of the casing and production tubing. In land wells, the pressure is relieved easily by bleeding off some fluid through a casinghead valve. In subsea-completed wells, wellheads are much less accessible and generally not fitted with the necessary valves. Perhaps the most successful mitigation approach has been the use of vacuum-insulated tubing (VIT). This technique generally has been successful in keeping the annular-fluid temperatures within an acceptable range. However, with the advent of deeper and hotter wells in deep water, the limits of the protection provided by VIT are being approached in two ways. First, deeper wells have much higher hanging weights that are reaching the stress limits of VIT designs. Second, the greater depths also are producing higher temperatures. Even with the insulating effects of VIT, the temperatures are sufficiently high that pressures are predicted to increase to unacceptable levels. A new approach created a water-based spacer fluid to be used just ahead of the cement. The spacer contains 10 to 30% emulsified liquid methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer. The liquid MMA shrinks 20 vol% upon polymerizing. The polymerization is triggered by heat and an appropriate chemical initiator. MMA is emulsified into a simple water-based fluid that is intended to be the last spacer pumped just ahead of cement, filling most of the open annulus. The monomer has a low flash point similar to methanol, and it must be handled carefully but has a long record of safe industrial use.

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