
s / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 20 (2012) S54–S296 S247 ĂConclusions: The results support the hypothesis; strain distribution throughout the fascicles was complex and heterogeneous, with small local strains in the direction of applied strain, but large compressive strains perpendicular to the loading axis. Strain appears to be dissipated throughout the matrix by a combination of fibre extension and sliding. Rotation of the samples also occurred, suggesting a helical organisation to the fascicle structure; this may enable more efficient extension and recoil. These data suggest that, while the cells within tendon fascicles experience tensile strains much smaller than the applied strain, they are also subjected to shear and compressive strains. The decrease in compressive strain and rotation with increasing horse age may be due to changes in matrix organisation, and may significantly alter the local strains experienced by the cells. Decreased rotation with ageing also indicates some loss of the ability to recoil efficiently. These ageing changes may result in altered cell andmechanical responses to loading which could contribute to the increased risk of SDFT injury with ageing. 488 TRANSPLANTATION OF ACHILLES TENDON TREATED WITH BMP-7 PROMOTED MENISCUS REGENERATION IN A RAT MASSIVE MENISCUS DEFECT MODEL N. Ozeki , S. Ichiro , T. Saito , T. Muneta . Orthopaedic surgery, Tokyo Med. and Dental Univ., Tokyo, Japan; Orthopaedic surgery, Yokohama City Univ., Yokohama, Japan; Cartilage regeneration, Tokyo Med. and Dental

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