
Testing regenerative properties of 3D bioprinted cardiac patches in vivo using murine models of heart failure via permanent left anterior descending (LAD) ligation is a challenging procedure and has a high mortality rate due to its nature. We developed a method to consistently transplant bioprinted patches of cells and hydrogels onto the epicardium of an infarcted mouse heart to test their regenerative properties in a robust and feasible way. First, a deeply anesthetized mouse is carefully intubated and ventilated. Following left lateral thoracotomy (surgical opening of the chest), the exposed LAD is permanently ligated and the bioprinted patch transplanted onto the epicardium. The mouse quickly recovers from the procedure after chest closure. The advantages of this robust and quick approach include a predicted 28-day mortality rate of up to 30% (lower than the 44% reported by other studies using a similar model of permanent LAD ligation in mice). Moreover, the approach described in this protocol is versatile and could be adapted to test bioprinted patches using different cell types or hydrogels where high numbers of animals are needed to optimally power studies. Overall, we present this as an advantageous approach which may change preclinical testing in future studies for the field of cardiac regeneration and tissue engineering.

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