
Various streaming entertainment platforms, or often referred to as SVOD, have become entertainment for Indonesian viewers, shifting television as their daily entertainment channel. However, research that raises this issue is still very rare, especially in looking at how the viewers and subscribers of these various streaming services are. This paper aims to see, firstly, how entertainment streaming subscribers respond to this development, and secondly, how streaming subscribers negotiate local Indonesian shows on these various SVOD channels. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires filled out by 264 respondents and then followed by qualitative interviews through FGDs with 25 participants who identified themselves as heavy viewers. Research shows that Netflix is ​​still the most-subscribed streaming channel, although many also subscribe to it illegally. Regarding local content, participants expect Netflix to imitate similar streaming channels by producing works by local Indonesian directors, not just as a distribution channel. Indonesia as the largest streaming subscribers in Asia deserve recognition not only in terms of audienceship, but also in terms of auteurship by producing netflix originals by Indonesian filmmakers.

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