
The exemplary character of the BBC reaches many fields and different qualities. Apart from its founding character as Public Service Media (PSM) largely imitated —mainly in Europe— and about to reach the century of existence, the model of the classic British broadcasting station also arrives to their transmedia strategies. The article gives an overview of the current situation of the BBC transmedia, analyzing some of the emblematic products of the Corporation, and paying attention about this issue in the new legislation that has just come into force, accompanying the renewal of the Royal Charter, what will indicate the next eleven years of the Corporation. The conclusion is the BBC has been characterized not by particularly innovative programs but rather conservative strategies based on the traditional content of the classical discourse of television programs, but which have nevertheless achieved considerable success and penetration through the new platforms. Regarding the legal framework, the almost hundred-years-old BBC seems it is taking the appropiate steps to face the future with justified optimism, but whithout concretion.

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