
Abstract Egyptian Vernacular Arabic is often used when Disney animated movies are dubbed in Arabic. Since vernacular varieties reflect culture, the present article aims to study the translation procedures used in dubbing culture-bound expressions in Disney animated movies. Three Disney animated movies were selected for this purpose, The Lion King, Toy Story 2, and Finding Nemo. To analyse the dubbed culture-bound expressions, I adopted Tomaszkiewicz’s procedures of dubbing and subtitling. The study revealed that the most frequently used dubbing procedures were adaptation taken from the target language and providing cultural equivalents. These two procedures are recommended by previous scholars who suggested that culture cannot be translated literally and translators should always find an equivalent that the viewer understands in the target language. The procedure literal translation was seldom used, whereas omission, generalisation, and replacement were not used at all. It has also been concluded that manipulation of the original text was done by using dubbing procedures that mainly aim to make the text closer to the viewer in terms of adjusting to their native language and culture. The article concludes with recommendations for further research.

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