
The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the translation of the linguistic means expressingthe deictic parameters of the original text of the political memoirs by T. Blair «A Journey: My Political Life» intoUkrainian performed by P. Tarashchuk. The object of the analysis is the deictically marked syntactic structures of theoriginal text and the text of its translation into Ukrainian. The subject of the investigation is the peculiarities of functioningof the deictically marked syntactic structures in the original text and in the text of its translation into Ukrainian. Toachieve the above mentioned purpose we used such general and specific investigation methods as the method of semantic-stylistic analysis of the linguistic material, the methods of induction and deduction, the methods of comparative andtranslation analysis of the text. The findings of the investigation. A regular model of translating the original sentenceswith the pronoun of the 1st person singular I in the position of the subject by means of Ukrainian one-member verbal definitepersonal sentences used by P. Tarashchuk and the content losses caused by the translation transformations have beenrevealed. It has been substantiated that the repetitive removal of discretely expressed subjects of the original sentencesin the corresponding Ukrainian sentences has resulted in the distortion of the speech behavior model of the author of thememoirs in the translated text. It has been determined that the above mentioned model of the translation transformationsdestroys the strong rhythm pattern of the original text that is a constituent element of its aesthetic impact. Conclusion.The investigation has allowed establishing the changes of the deictic characteristics of the studied original sentences in thetranslated text predetermined by the strategy of domestication implemented by the translator which led to quite considerabledistortions of the original work sense load. The practical value. The results of the investigation can be used for thetheoretical and practical translation courses for the students majoring in the English language and literature.

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