
Finite interacting Fermi systems with a mean-field and a chaos generating two-body interaction are modeled by one plus two-body embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices with spin degree of freedom [called EGOE(1+2)-s]. Numerical calculations are used to demonstrate that, as lambda , the strength of the interaction (measured in the units of the average spacing of the single-particle levels defining the mean-field), increases, generically there is Poisson to GOE transition in level fluctuations, Breit-Wigner to Gaussian transition in strength functions (also called local density of states) and also a duality region where information entropy will be the same in both the mean-field and interaction defined basis. Spin dependence of the transition points lambda_{c} , lambdaF, and lambdad , respectively, is described using the propagator for the spectral variances and the formula for the propagator is derived. We further establish that the duality region corresponds to a region of thermalization. For this purpose we compared the single-particle entropy defined by the occupancies of the single-particle orbitals with thermodynamic entropy and information entropy for various lambda values and they are very close to each other at lambda=lambdad.

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