
Summary. The purpose of this research is to present on the basis of archival sources, memoirs, and oral history testimonies the history of the largest transit prison in post-war Ukraine, to study the memory and the state of its memorialization in Lviv urban space. The scientific novelty of the article implies that for the first time different aspects of the prison are revealed in Ukrainian historiography. They include, in particular, the penitentiary regime and space, the composition of the prisoner contingent, resistance and escapes from the prison, the operation of the transit point, as well as conditions of the transportation of convicts to GULAG camps. Conclusions. Transit prison № 25 in Lviv was one of the central cites of Soviet mass violence in Lviv and the largest institution of such type in the Ukrainian SSR. Through its example one can realize how Nazi and Soviet violence intersected in an urban space where both systems often used the same premises and objects to isolate their victims. For many thousands of prisoners, the Lviv transit prison became an intermediate station/a transit point on the way from pre-trial detention to GULAG camps. It also served as a meeting point for inmates from Western Ukraine and Central Eastern European countries occupied by the Red Army. At different times, criminal and political prisoners, foremost members of the Ukrainian and Polish underground, were kept here. Despite conflicting political views, it was the pursuance of common interests of survival and resistance against the brutality of the prison administration and criminals that drew Ukrainian and Polish political prisoners together behind bars. Families of those repressed, including women and children, even babies, were kept in prison. This fact highlights "the family hostage taking" practice used by Soviet authorities against "enemies of the people" in Stalin՚s period. Between 1949 and 1950, the prison in parallel served as an integral part of the Soviet infrastructure of mass deportations, which affected families of members and sympathisers of the Ukrainian nationalist underground, wealthy farmers, and Greek-Catholic clergy in Western Ukraine. Due to the lack of documentary sources, it is nowadays impossible to establish even an approximate number of people who passed through the Lviv transit prison. The inmates՚ memory of their prison experience is ambiguous. Some recall the transit prison as a site of endless suffering and destitute, while others describe it as "the less evil" and some relief in comparison with pre-trial detention facilities run by the NKVD-MGB. Proper memorization of the site of the former transit prison in Lviv urban space has just started. This task is being performed by the Memorial Museum of "Territory of Terror", which has been created in this place.

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