
In this paper, we have investigated a flat FLRW (Friedmann Lemaitre Robertson Walker metric) cosmological model in f(R, T) gravity with specific Hubble parameter. We have considered f(R,T)=f(R)+2f(T) where f(R)=R+αR2,f(T)=λT and R is Ricci scalar, T the trace of energy momentum tensor. To obtain exact solutions of modified Einstein’s field equation, we have considered a specific Hubble parameter H(a)=l(a−n+k) which gives the scale factor a(t)=[ekln(t+m)−1k]1n where n > 0, k, l, m are arbitrary constants called model parameters. With this scale factor, we have obtained a transit phase cosmological model with variable deceleration parameter (DP). We have compared our results with observational constraints obtained from various observations by using the curve-fitting techniques and found that the derived model is a transit dark energy model quintessence (ω>−1) at present (ω0≈−0.7406) and approaches to cosmological constant value (ω=−1) at late time universe. The transition point is found as ztc≈0.676 which is in good agreement with the recent observations. Also, the derived model explains formation of different structures in the universe from past to present scenarios.

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