New discrete element equations or coefficients are derived for the transient 1D diffusion–advection or transport equation based on the Green element replication of the differential equation using linear elements. The Green element method (GEM), which solves the singular boundary integral theory (a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind) on a typical element, gives rise to a banded global coefficient matrix which is amenable to efficient matrix solvers. It is herein derived for the transient 1D transport equation with uniform and non-uniform ambient flow conditions and in which first-order decay of the containment is allowed to take place. Because the GEM implements the singular boundary integral theory within each element at a time, the integrations are carried out in exact fashion, thereby making the application of the boundary integral theory more utilitarian. This system of discrete equations, presented herein for the first time, using linear interpolating functions in the spatial dimensions shows promising stable characteristics for advection-dominant transport. Three numerical examples are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the method. The second-order-correct Crank–Nicolson scheme and the modified fully implicit scheme with a difference weighting value of two give superior solutions in all simulated examples. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Published Version
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