
Institutionalized government support for artwork incorporated into transportation environments has a history spanning more than 80 years in the United States. Although the Federal Transit Administration has a history of policy guidelines, and the American Public Transportation Association, and Americans for the Arts have developed best practices for the successful integration of artworks during the planning and construction phases of transportation projects, little research exists concerning the public life of those artworks during the operational phase, beyond maintenance concerns. This paper examines an artist-led tour program initiated by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), as a case study, to demonstrate one way contemporary artistic practices are strategically implemented to further community engagement, by extending the reach of existing, integrated artworks during a capital project’s operational phase. The study begins with a context for public art in transportation environments, including a brief overview of the tradition of government support for public art in the United States. Artworks integrated within the Metro system are examined with a focus on features that engage customers as landmarks, inspire responses from participants rooted in the memory of historical events or popular culture, and respond to pre-programmed cues. Lastly, this research discusses the transformational value offered by contemporary artistic practices rooted in relational aesthetics, approaches that prioritize transitory experience over material product, by providing continued engagement with communities beyond the planning and construction phases, as examined through an artist-led tour program developed by Metro.

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